5 thoughts on “Mass for September 27

  1. We have enjoyed the online masses. Thank you for recording these weekly masses for us. They are spiritually uplifting and help us to get through another week.
    Your friends from Minnesota.

  2. Dear Fr. Jerry,
    You’re homilies are like no other!! Thank you!!
    I hope & pray you save all of them & turn them into a book!!!!
    In His amazing love with hugs,
    Karen Paron
    (Another Minne’snow’tan)

  3. Your celebration of mass strengthens me and reminds me of my sacred duties. Thank you Fr Jerry ! Living far away saddens me that your mass will no longer be filmed Once the restrictions are stopped.
    “Betty Spaghetti”

  4. Dear Sacred Heart Community,
    Wonderful readings and inspirational homily by Fr. Jerry, as usual. You are a community of peace and love that transcends well beyond Punta Gorda. It feels as though you come right into my living room as welcome friends.


  5. Dear Fr. Jerry,
    I just wanted to tell you that your homily for this week was the best and most important one for all of us that I have ever heard. You put the most important aspects of the spiritual life for all of us all together in a beautiful practical form that can be so easily remembered and practiced. You bring everything back to the simple basics we too easily get distracted from. Thank you so much for staying true to the Holy Spirit and Christ teaching from within you.
    You are needed so much as a beacon of light on our journey to God.
    Gwen’s deeply spiritual reflections are a beautiful addition to your
    ministry as she breaks open the meanings often lost.

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