Group photo of many of our Knights in 2015

Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus #8074

As part of the largest Catholic Family Fraternal Organization in the world, we are proud to serve our Catholic Faith Community. Centered in Punta Gorda, Florida, our concil consists of more than 330 dedicated, hard working members. 

Visit us on FaceBook or the web at:

The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization with over 1.9 million members globally. Started in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney, The Knights of Columbus provides members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Catholic Church, their communities, families and the youth. 

As Knights of Columbus, we are Catholic gentlemen committed to the exemplification of charity, unity, fraternity, patriotism, and defense of the priesthood.  Our Order is consecrated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and is unequivocal in its loyalty to the Pope, the Vicar of Christ on earth.  It is firmly committed to the protection of human life, from conception to natural death, and to the preservation and defense of the family.  It was on these bedrock principles that the Order was founded over a century ago and remains true to them today.  

To join our great organization of Catholic men, speak with a Knight.  We will be glad to answer any questions you may have and to assist you on your journey to Knighthood.  You will find our brother Knights working to fulfill the central mission of the Order: striving in charitable works; serving the Church and unified in following its teachings; supporting brother Knights in their temporal and spiritual needs; acting for the good of their country; and giving aid to widows, orphans, the sick and the poor.  This is Father McGivney’s dream, echoing across the decades, and living today in the hearts of his brothers and all of those they touch.

Call the Sacred Heart church office to reach Grand Knight Michael Fox and other council 8074 Knights Council members or visit

Knights of Columbus — In Service To One.  In Service To All

Vivat Jesus!