Last Supper Statue

Respect Life Prayer Vigil

The Respect Life Ministry is Leading a Prayer Vigil for the End of the Death Penalty in Florida.

Each November 30, communities across the globe participate in International Day of Cities for Life, Cities against the Death Penalty.  This date commemorates the anniversary of the first abolition of the death penalty on the part of a State, The Grand Duchy of Tuscany on November 20, 1786.

Our Sacred Heart Church will participate in this vigil in a somewhat subdued way due to the pandemic.  On the morning of November 30th, immediately after the 8:30 Mass, 12 of our parishioners – who have already volunteered – will proceed to the corner where Christ presides over the Last Supper replication.  All have committed in writing to observe the protocol of wearing masks throughout and maintaining proper social distancing.  Until 10:00 am, they will be praying for the end of the death penalty in Florida.

We extend an invitation to all other parishioners to join us in this vigil in their homes during this period, or at another time during the day, at their convenience.

Florida, an otherwise great state when it comes to Life Issues, has death penalty statistics that are quite shocking  (Source: Floridians Against the Death Penalty):

–  For every three people executed in Florida, since 1979 when executions restarted, one innocent person on Death Row has been exonerated and released.  

–  Approximately 339 people are awaiting execution on Florida’s Death Row.

–  Florida was one of only seven states to carry out executions in 2019.

–  Comparing Florida with other death penalty states for 2019:

#1 in the number of people exonerated off Death Row since 1973

#1 in number of new death sentences

#2 in size of Death Row inmates

#5 in number of executions

Finally, in terms of nations, the top five nations carrying out executions are China, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and the United States.