5 thoughts on “Father Jerry’s COVID-19

  1. I completely agree with you, Fr. Jerry. Thanks be to God, science and medicine for your quick recovery. May our Lord continue to bless you.

  2. “father” you are an idiot. You have no credibility to promote this so called vaccine. you are part of the problem. priests like you are what drove me away from the Catholic Church to Traditional Catholicism.

    1. Mr. Lotz,
      We don’t usually publish name calling here, and honestly don’t expect it. However, it is of vital importance that people reject misinformation. By June of 2021, despite the lower supply levels, more than 96% of U.S. physicians had vaccinated themselves. The overwhelming majority of immunologists, microbiologists, epidemiologists, physicians etc. express the guidance Fr. Jerry has stated here.

    2. The latest publicly reviewable data: “For those who were boosted, the average of weekly deaths was 0.1 per 100,000 people, meaning that unvaccinated individuals were 97 times more likely to die compared to those who were boosted.”
      Christ told us to welcome strangers, and share what we own. He probably didn’t want us to share disease though?

  3. Father Jerry, so glad to here you’re getting better. We’ve been praying for your
    speedy recovery. God has blessed our parish and all the people throughout the world with the ability to listen to your beautiful homilies every Sunday within the safety and shelter of there own home. Your mass each week has helped to keep The Sacred Heart Of Jesus in the minds and hearts of millions, who would never have been able to go to Church during these trying times. Thank you and May God continue to Bless you and keep you safe.

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