Listen! Can You Hear the Echo?

Close your eyes and hear the question and let it echo in your soul. “Who do you say that I am?” Look into His eyes when you answer, don’t lie, fabricate or equivocate. There is no room for that.

The question in the Gospel today is a question that has echoed through the centuries across years, cultures, nations, and governmental systems. It has echoed through wars, peacetime, famine, destruction, and natural disasters. The question of who Jesus is and what His life means has started wars and crusades. The answer has divided Kingdoms and costs lives.

The question, “Who do you say that I am?” does not live on the Bible’s pages. It lives in the air we breathe and in the beating of our hearts. It is a question that demands an answer, and we cannot shy away. “Who is Jesus?” is a question that requires a response from each of us. We must answer personally.

In the Gospel, Jesus begins with a different question. Jesus asks, “Who do the people say that I am?” He directs the question to His disciples. That is a significant question for them and for us. All of us know that answer usually long before we can answer the question for ourselves. The question was important because it focused them for the real question that followed. It is like, “Okay, now that we have that out of the way, let’s get to the point.”

We begin in the same place the disciples did that day with Jesus. “Who do the people say that I am?” Some say an answerer of prayers and some a historical figure. Some believe you were a prophet, and there are some who think you are irrelevant. Some say that you are the holy equivalent of 911; they run to you in times of crisis. Some say you’re a good guy but are not as important as everything else in their lives. Some believe you are the Messiah, the Son of God, they would die for you, and quite frankly, some couldn’t care less who you are.

But YOU, Jesus says, “Who do YOU say that I am?”

The question is echoing with every beat of our hearts. There is no room for pretty words or repetition of what others have said. There isn’t even room for what our Holy Catholic Church says. Jesus is asking you and me for our answer. He wants the truth, and He wants us to go more than an inch deep and give Him the most honest answer we have. Parroting a response, we learned in Church, a Catechism class, or our mother told us will simply not do

Close your eyes and hear the question and let it echo in your soul. “Who do you say that I am?” Look into His eyes when you answer, don’t lie, fabricate or equivocate. There is no room for that. He is waiting for an answer, and He wants the truth. I don’t know about you, but I find that intimidating. Intimidating because it isn’t about the right answer, it is about my response.

In the very depth of your heart hear His words. ”Be not afraid.” “There is no wrong answer.” What we want our answer to be is not nearly as important to Jesus as what the truth of our answer is. There is no wrong answer. There are only answers that reflect our personal journey of faith. 

Look into His eyes, Jesus wants nothing more from you and me than an acknowledgment of where you are on your spiritual journey. Even if we are shrouded in doubt, we must tell the truth and say with the father of the boy possessed, “Lord, I believe, Help my unbelief.” 

Who do you say Jesus is? Thank God there is no right answer, just fidelity to the faith journey. Sometimes when we are lost, we trust and ask for directions from those who walk with confidence. And at times, we will give guidance to those who falter. One step after the other, we journey both alone and together to the heart of God. Have no fear of your answer today, just look it in the eye, own it, and take the next step. 

In God’s Unending Love,


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