A Retreat into the Heart of God

Prayer is sitting open before the Lord and allowing Him to shower us with whatever gifts or insights He chooses.

Dear Friends,

I am writing a letter to you today in place of a reflection on the Gospel. 

I will take a break from writing every week and posting in the bulletin, on Facebook, and on the website. As of last week’s posting, I had written 118 reflections. That is every weekend for over a year and every day at the beginning of our Covid isolation. To be perfectly honest, my field is worn out, my well is dry, and my creativity is spent. In other words, I cannot give what I haven’t got. 

Sometimes we all must pull back and be one on one with the Lord with no requests, no plan, no expectation. God does His best work when we are still and quiet in His presence, asking and seeking nothing. It is essential for me (and for all of us) to spend some unscripted time with the Lord and allow Him to bind our wounds, dry our tears, inspire our souls, and fill us full to overflowing with His limitless love.

I was once told that if you want to know about your priest’s spirituality, listen to him preach. While I don’t “preach,” I would say the same for reflective spiritual writing. You have gotten to know the journey of my soul well over this year and a half. I have tried to share the best of God’s blessings with you as I wrote. There is no doubt that my writing has been a window into my soul’s journey for better or worse.

It was startling to realize the other day that I was praying trying to figure out what to write. That isn’t what prayer is meant to be. Prayer is sitting open before the Lord and allowing Him to shower us with whatever gifts or insights He chooses. I need to return to the prayer of no expectations for a while. It is time to pray with my pen down, my brain disengaged, and my heart open. 

Thank you for your kind and affirming comments throughout this last year and a half. They were a balm when my spirit was weary. I also profoundly appreciated your personal insights. They made my reflections so much more enriching. Thank you for sharing your journey with me.

No doubt, after this hiatus, I will once again share my reflections with you in our bulletin and online. In the meantime, I pray the Lord will bless you and keep you. That His face shines on you constantly. That you are gifted with the peace of heart and soul that comes from God alone. You are blessed. Be God’s blessing to those who cross the path of your life.

In God’s Unending Love,


5 thoughts on “A Retreat into the Heart of God

  1. Why was their no online Mass last week & it looks like the same for today’s “ Corpus Christi Sunday ‼️

    Father Jerry & Sacred Hearts team was well missed . Is it because he has taken time for some internal soul searching or to recharge his batteries or to redefine the words he writes & the genesis of same ❓Not asking our Blessed Trinity for help that way but to keep a clear non – expectations “ go with the flow “ of God’s Manifestation of His Providence “ upon Father Jerry & in turn share his “ words of wisdom “ that almost reflects the Holy Spirit breathing fire over the heads of Father Jerry’s parishioners at Sacred Heart & from people ( listeners) who have become dedicated of his very appreciated homily’s & how he delivers Gods message pending the 2 readings & Gospel each Sunday & applying these writings into
    “ Our Modern Day World “ & how we can be a better “ ME” & pay forward & giving back on the basis & simple definition of LOVE .❤️??? Noting – Actions speak louder than words & you have to walk the talk “‼️Day in & day out whatever challenges you get presented to on on a daily basis .Telling yourself “
    if it’s meant to be it’s up to me !”
    We are all directors of our own movies & videos called Life . Question : what do you want your movie / video to look like ( a Romance off giving back unconditional Love or a complete “ Horror story appeasing the Devil !”

    They say when you reach the Pearly Gates that God shows you a video / movie of your whole life in a matter of seconds. The question arises . “ Do you want to know what Hell is ❓Hell is within that video / movie of your Life with all the times you did not show Love ‼️That’s Hell??. So it is never too late to change what you choose as in the expression “ The Purpose of Life… is a Life full of Purpose & no better way to define Purpose by giving back Love ( unconditionally) to all who you meet with no expectations of payback ‼️

  2. You are to always be commended.?Thank you,continued Blessings,see you in September???

  3. You and Father Jerry have become such a part of my Sunday worship and I thank you both so much. Be assured I will pray for you both to find new and continued zeal, energy and peace moving forward. However I shall miss you both and hope that somehow the Sunday digital masses can find a way to continue. It’s what
    keeps me going!
    God bless

  4. Thank you,Gwen for your calming voice and all of your inspiration. There’s no doubt in my mind that you will be back, good as new, in Gods time. Your in my prayers.

  5. Please bring back the Sunday Masses. It means so much to me to attend and see our beautiful Church , Father Jerry his sermons and the choir.

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