Mass for November 15 Mass for 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. The stewardship of the gifts the master has given. Marcella & Lori both… Continue reading “Mass for November 15”…
November 6 Letter from Bishop Dewane My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. As we approach the season of Thanksgiving, my prayer is that the strength… Continue reading “November 6 Letter from Bishop Dewane”…
Mass for October 25 Lori, Becky & Rory join Father Jerry for Mass on a special anniversary! Continue reading “Mass for October 25”…
Mass for October 4 The vine and the branches, & an incredible paradox! Continue reading “Mass for October 4”…
St. Thérèse Novena—Day 8 Dearest Saint Therese of Lisieux, you said that you would spend your time in heaven doing good on earth. Your… Continue reading “St. Thérèse Novena—Day 8”…