Bereavement Ministry
We are here to support one another, to share experiences and feelings. We will discover our gifts, our potential, and use them to bring new meaning to our lives and the lives of others.
Each person is unique in his/her grief and mourning process. Together we will celebrate our differences and our sameness.
The group will provide a safe place to talk, cry, be angry, and be joyful for new beginnings. We will discover that all of these feelings are ‘normal’.
Understanding these feelings may not lessen your grief, but can start you on your healing journey.
For more information call Gwen at 941-347-7438 or Rita at 941-639-9545.
Meetings are the second and fourth Saturdays of each month, 10:00 a.m. to NOON in the Sacred Heart Parish Center building at 521 Cross Street, 33950
Mission: To actively support endeavors that aid in the healing of those who mourn a loved one, while understanding the individual concerns of each bereaved person.
ARIMATHEANS Pastoral Ministry
The Beginning Story of the ARIMATHEANS: The Gospel of John (19:38-42) relates the story of Joseph of ARIMATHEA, a disciple of Jesus, who, after the death of Jesus, claimed his body from Pilate. Along with Nicodemus he prepared it for burial according to the Jewish burial custom and provided a new tomb for the internment of Jesus’ body. Today these physical needs are met by funeral directors, but, the celebration of the new spiritual life of the deceased needs to be done in community. From the model of Joseph of ARlMATHEA flows “a ministry of love” known simply as ARlMATHEANS.
The ARIMATHEANS is a group of caring parishioners who attend funerals and memorial Masses as representatives of the faith community. Their presence is a ministry of support to the grieving families as well as a sign of respect for our deceased parishioners. We at Sacred Heart have regular instances where there are very few or no family members to attend the funeral liturgy. We seek a committed group of parishioners who would accept this call to represent the Sacred Heart Faith Community at funeral and memorial liturgies.
A PHONE CHAIN was formed to notify the ARIMATHEANS of funeral liturgies as they are scheduled. If the ARIMATHEAN Minister is available for a particular liturgy, he/she need simply attend the liturgy. As many of our parishioners attend daily Mass on a regular basis, we suggest that you might attend one of the scheduled funeral liturgies. If you feel you might be interested in joining the ARIMATHEANS of Sacred Heart, please click here for a form and return it to the parish office, mail it, or call the church office at 941-639-3957.
Ministers in other parishes have found this to be an extremely rewarding ministry. Father Jerry is an avid supporter of the Arimatheans.