Check-Up: How are We Doing at Building The Kingdom of God on Earth

Together, one action at a time, we build the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
  • Did you say “I love you” today?
  • Did you kiss a loved one today?
  • Did you give a loved one a heartfelt hug?
  • Did you take the time to look in the eyes of those you spoke to today?
  • Did you deeply listen when they spoke to you?
  • Did you check to see if there was a way you could lighten someone’s load and then did that very thing?
  • Did you check in with someone you love to see how their day went?
  • Did you offer them something interesting that you learned today?
  • Did you make a conscious choice to overlook something that annoyed you and successfully let it go?
  • Have you been honest with your loved ones about what you feel and need?
  • Did you ask them if there was anything that they need from you?
  • Did you choose to focus on other’s signature strengths and how those traits enhance your life?
  • Did you make the other’s needs as important as your own?
  • Did you find something to thank someone for and say it with enthusiasm?

Together, one action at a time, we build the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.