If we are to store anything, may it be love, compassion, acceptance, openness, caring, and wisdom. These are the traits of God, and they are only truly saved when given away.
I am reasonably sure God has selective memory. He remembers our good and our love. God forgets the rest. Our simple sorrow is enough to erase any sin from the heart of God.
When our ministry stops being an expression of love and becomes burdensome and a cause for complaint, it is time to stop and reevaluate why we do what we do. It is time to hear His call to love and we do that best when we use our gifts.
Unfortunately, none of us are immune to life’s tragedies. When I recognize myself as one among, not one above, those who suffer, it changes my perspective and response.
We must never allow Eucharist to become rote. It is the most intimate moment we have with God. Eucharist is God becoming incarnate in us. That is God becoming incarnate in us just as He did in Jesus.