Happenings (page 30)
Christmas Schedule 2020
Second Sunday of Advent A Light of Peace
When we are centered in God’s peace, we can coexist with unrest and anxiety. Rather than being overpowered by upset, we transform it.
The Third Sunday of Advent A Light of Joy
Temporary emotions of happiness, sadness, fear, or even lethargy and apathy, despite their power, do not have the strength to extinguish the light of God’s Joy.
When Christmas Joy is Tinged with Sadness
Trying to mask the feelings that weigh us down with a happy face only deepens the feelings of isolation and sorrow.
Mass for December 6, 2020
“One mightier than I is coming after me.I am not worthy to stoop and loosen the thongs of his sandals.”
Mass for November 29
Jesus said to his disciples: “Be watchful! Be alert!”
Respect Life Prayer Vigil
The Respect Life Ministry is Leading a Prayer Vigil for the End of the Death Penalty in Florida. Each November…