Let’s Talk Rocks

Jesus is Alpha (Cornerstone) and Omega (Capstone)and the lifeblood (Keystone) of everything in between.

The idea of rocks and stones are used very often in scripture. Today we heard that Jesus is the Cornerstone. Throughout scripture, the terms for the stones in a building are often used as metaphors for God. Often, they are also interchanged. Depending on the translation, the same passage of scripture may use the word cornerstone, or capstone, or keystone. While we can read any of the words in varying translations, it is interesting to know the differences between them. It is also essential to know they are all correct. Together they paint a rich and luxurious picture of God.

The cornerstone of a building is the first stone laid. It must be absolutely level and plumb, or the whole structure will be unstable. It is the foundation stone on which everything else depends.

The keystone is a trapezoidal-shaped stone placed at the top of an arch in a building. It is often the most decorated stone of the arch. The keystone is essential because it holds all the other stones of the arch in place. The arch stones lean on the keystone. It gives the arch stones strength and allows them to remain unwavering.

The capstone is the final stone placed on the structure. It is generally a decorative stone and is the crowning glory of the building. The capstone is the stone that says, “It is complete, it is finished, it is beautiful!”

In the Gospel today, we read, “The stone that the builders rejected has become the Cornerstone…” Meaning Jesus, rejected by those he came to save, is the most important stone. Jesus is the stone on which the Kingdom of God is built. He is the stone that is straight and true and holds the weight of the whole building of God’s Kingdom on earth.

But Jesus is also the Keystone. He is the stone in the Kingdom that gives strength holding up the arches (us). The power of Jesus as the keystone of the Kingdom is that His placement in our lives, history, and the Kingdom is the critical one that holds all other stones in place. Jesus, the Keystone, is the heart of the Kingdom, not just in name but as the center of our hearts. Our hearts are given strength and sustainability when they are united to the nature of Jesus. Jesus is the Keystone of our hearts.

Finally, Jesus is the Capstone. He is the final Word of God spoken in covenant to His people. He is the crowning glory that says it is finished. Jesus is the last word of God. The Word that is Jesus is the final word teaching us how to live and how to build the Kingdom among us.

Perhaps all that seems rather academic and impersonal. So, let’s jump in with both feet and see what difference this makes for us.

Jesus is God. Jesus is Alpha (Cornerstone) and Omega (Capstone)and the lifeblood (Keystone) of everything in between. 

If we are to build the Kingdom within ourselves and our world, we had best set it on the right foundation. Our Cornerstone is Jesus, the spoken Word of God. None of the other nonsense that we let consume us matters even a speck. Every rock we place on the Kingdom in our lives must be lined up plumb with Jesus.

If we are to live the Kingdom in our actions every day, the name of Jesus must come quickly to our lips and the Spirit of Jesus to our hearts. Our efforts must be flowing with the lifeblood of Jesus. It is Jesus only who is the Keystone that gives us strength.

If we are to create the Kingdom, we must know, beyond doubt, that the Capstone stone of our lives will be the same as the Cornerstone. Jesus is our Omega. And with our last breath, we will only speak the name of God.

In God’s Unending Love,
