6 thoughts on “Mass for May 17, 6th Sunday of Easter

  1. listening to you from stoney creek, ontario. love your masses and homilies Fr. Jerry

  2. Another beautiful Mass! You mentioned working with a Sr. Mary Urban! I did too, at St. Clare’s Hospital in Denville, New Jersey. I wonder if she ever made it to Cape Coral? In any event, great Mass, great homily; Christ within us, healer within. Keep it going Fr. Jerry!

  3. Fr. Jerry, we again say THANK YOU for another beautiful MASS.
    We miss you BUT still LOOOOOVE you!
    Ann and Morrie Doyle
    Naples, Florida

  4. Thankyou Father Jerry: My daughter in Connecticut and I am watching your Masses each Sunday together. It is such a plus for me and a bright spot in a very sad state of affairs.. Stay well, Blessings

  5. Punta Gorda Snowbird Tuning in from New Jersey.
    So happy that I am no longer missing your meaningful homilies!
    Stay Well

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