8 thoughts on “Mass for October 18

  1. I enjoy your mass on TV
    What a blessing hearing mass at these time Thank you. D OBrien

  2. 7am Mass this morning was nothing but a Trump Political Rally – except we did wear masks! So disappointed. Think I’ll be watching Tv Mass so I won’t be to told how to vote or else…. Praying for better times.

    1. Hello Ann, I just read your comment and it disappoints me that you had that experience this morning at Sacred Heart. I would like to talk with you about what happened since I was not at 7 AM mass this morning. Please call my office or send an email with a phone number if you prefer I call you. My contact information is 941-347-7438 and the email address is gwen@sacredheartfl.org. Again my personal apology for the experience you had and the negative feeling you left mass with this morning. Voting is a personal responsibility and a matter of personal conscience. It is inappropriate for the Holy sacrifice of the mass to be used as a political platform for any specific candidate.

      Pastoral Associate
      Sacred Heart Parish

    2. I was at the 7:00 Mass on 10/18. I thought that the homily was appropriate. An excellent comparison of my catholic faith and the stated policies of the candidates for President and vice President. Judging from the applause I was not alone.

      1. Hi Jim,

        I respect your opinion. Politics are such a divisive topic. While many in the congregation may have agreed with the position presented, many may not have. Just imagine how upset you would have been had the homily favored a political position that was opposed to how you understand the call of Jesus and the Gospel.

        Every Catholic has a personal responsibility to evaluate the Candidates and their policies and platforms in light of their faith and conscience and make a prayerful decision. And then vote. That is the beauty of a democracy and having a faith based conscience.

        There is enough divisiveness in society and the news. The Eucharist of the Church is meant to be unifying not dividing.

        I welcome further conversation with you please feel free to contact me at the office.

        Blessings to you,

  3. Enjoy the Mass from Florida and FR Jerry..Thanks for sharing it with all of us…Al from Peoria,AZ

  4. W

    What happened to Rory and our vocalists this Sunday?
    We missed them. Please tell us they will be back soon.

  5. Hi MaryAnne — It takes a LOT to produce Sunday Mass, especially for our videographer, Brent Billman. The post-production for one Mass takes about 13 hours. There is the audio mixing and balancing, video color-correcting, editing, titling, posting, etc. Once in a while, Brent needs a break. If we dispense with music, his work load in post-production is literally cut by about 75%. I totally get that the beauty of the music enhances the experience of the online Mass. However, sometimes Rory needs a break, too. During such times, I do my staff a favor and self-produce a Mass and give my crew a break. We’ll keep on doing our best to provide online spiritual nourishment for you and our many followers. With love, Father Jerry

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