9 thoughts on “Mass for October 25

  1. Congratulations to you Father Jerry what a wonderful achievement, and thank you so much for sharing your words and prayers with me. May God watch over you always. From Carol, Sydney Australia.

  2. Congratulations and thank you, Father Jerry! As Sacred Heart Church parishioners for the past 16 years, my family and I have been blessed to have you lead us and our congregation in His path. May God continue to bless you!

  3. Congratulations Fr.Jerry. What a blessing you are to each of us. Your homilies touch and inspire us even though we are many miles away. The music is so beautiful, Gwen’s comments brought me to tears and kudos to Brent for wonderful visuals. Thank you for bringing light and hope.

  4. Congratulations Father Jerry! Still remember your first Mass at S.H. When you twirled around at the altar and burst into “When Irish Eyes are Smiling”…Vic and I knew right then you were something SPECIAL!!You brighten up my week here at St. Therese Senior Living!

  5. Happy anniversary father. You are a blessing to us all. Thank you so much for your ministry.

  6. Congratulations Father Jerry!! The celebration of the Eucharist commemorating your anniversary was inspiring by each person who shared their joy with you. All very beautiful! Nice to meet you Brent. All the service was very moving. How can we keep from singing!!!

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