The Sacred Heart of Jesus

We need not wait for our mortal death to know the power of God’s love.  We need only to gaze on His Sacred Heart. 

As I embark on this weekend’s reflection, I find myself in a familiar struggle. This writing is my third attempt, each time feeling a sense of incompleteness as if the message I’m trying to convey is just out of reach. Yet, I persist, hoping to capture the words God wishes us to hear more clearly this time.

When Pope Francis spoke of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, he did so with a resonating depth. He said, “The heart of Jesus is the ultimate symbol of God’s mercy, but it is not an imaginary symbol; it is a real symbol, the center, the source from which salvation for all humanity gushed forth.” These succinct yet profound words encapsulate the depth and power of the love of God poured out from the heart of Jesus to us.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is not a distant, unattainable concept.  It is a human heart, just like ours.  This heart is not beyond our grasp, but rather, it is intimately connected to our own. All we need to do is open ourselves to it and believe. 

We can see several elements in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  We see a cross, light surrounding the heart, a crown of thorns, the wound of a lance, and the flames of a fire.  Each of these symbols is important.  In our parish church, it is easy to be entranced by the eyes of the Sacred Heart in our mural. Today, on this most holy feast that binds us ever closer to the Lord, we draw our eyes from the warmth and comfort of Jesus’ eyes and look deeply into His heart.

When we pray with the Sacred Heart, the cross reminds us that life’s challenges can sometimes feel overwhelming.  But we also remember that the cross of Jesus is no longer a symbol of suffering and death but of triumph and resurrection. The cross in the heart of Jesus assures us that no matter how tough life gets, we are always united with God in overcoming adversity.  Hope is never far away.

The crown of thorns and the lance’s wound are a permanent reminder that life is complicated.  Life can disturb and distress.  However, the wounds in the heart of Jesus are also a beacon of hope. Pain, disturbance, misunderstanding, or estrangement do not have the final word.  Whether in this life or the next, God wins, mercy wins, compassion wins, and love wins.

The rays of light surrounding the Sacred Heart show us that no matter how dark the day is, if we look, the rays of God’s love are there.  We need to look for the light.  Where we look determines what we see.  Focusing on what is difficult, complicated, or wrong, we know what is burdensome, painful, and disturbing.  If we allow ourselves to see through our tears and broken hearts, we will see pain and sadness turned into light and hope. We will see healing and growth in our pain and the love of God embracing us with mercy, compassion, and consolation.

Finally, the fire that bursts forth from the Sacred Heart is a passionate love that reaches beyond all mortality and sweeps us into union with our God.  We need not wait for our mortal death to know the power of God’s love.  We need only to gaze on His Sacred Heart.  The fullness of love is continually being offered to us.  We need only trust enough to abandon ourselves to His eternal love.

The Sacred Heart is not a mere symbol of divinity. It is the heart of humanity, of Jesus, who experienced all we do and more.  In times of pain, it’s easy to feel isolated.  But the Sacred Heart of Jesus reminds us that we are never alone.  His heart is our heart, beating with love in our bodies and souls.  No amount of doubt or fear can silence the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  It has been in sync with our hearts since the dawn of time, and it will continue until we are united in the fullness of God.

In God’s Unending Love,


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