Update from St. Vincent de Paul

Even with the limitations imposed on us by COVID-19, our parish’s St. Vincent de Paul Conference has remained open to serve those in need.  While it’s been a challenge, we have made many changes and every effort to keep those we serve and our volunteers safe. 

How were we able to continue serving those in need?  It is only because of the kindhearted donations from you — generous parishioners of Sacred Heart and the local community – that everyone who comes to our doors never leaves hungry.    

Because so many are just a job loss or medical crisis away from food insecurity, hunger is the most critical need. Seniors on fixed-income, the homeless, and children who relied on free-or-reduced meals are the most vulnerable. In partnership with Harry Chapin, we have been staffing a weekly Mobile Food Panty in Sacred Heart parking lot, as well as offering groceries at our facility on Airport Road every M-W-F. 

We discontinued accepting clothing, housewares and furniture donations when the crisis began to unfold, but we are slowly resuming that part of our ministry.  We are once again offering these items to those we serve.   

Throughout, we have continued to offer financial assistance for rent and utilities, a critical need for families whose income was reduced or lost due to business shutdowns or government mandates that limited their employers.  

A recent review by Check-A-Charity certified that our administrative expenses are just 2% of our total expenses.  Being a 100% all-volunteer organization – no paid employees – you can be certain your donations directly benefit those we serve.   Thank you and bless you for your continued support.