Mary, Mother of God

Mary is a woman who we often underestimate. We quickly see her fiat – saying yes to God to bear his son. Yet, we often miss the bigger picture of who Mary was. 

On this first day of 2023, we celebrate Mary, Mother of God. Perhaps it is a good time for us to look at the strength and determination of this woman chosen to be the Mother of God. She is a woman who we often underestimate. We quickly see her fiat – saying yes to God to bear his son. Yet, we often miss the bigger picture of who Mary was. 

She was a woman who was a model for all time. So today, we remember this wonder of a woman, Mary, Mother of God.

Mary, Woman of Strength – A woman undeterred by the difficulties and obstacles that life placed before her. A woman who was not cowed by the gossip about her unwed pregnancy. A woman who was widowed young. She was a woman who stood against the expectations of her time, believing in God’s fidelity.

Mary, Woman of Courage – A woman willing to speak up and speak out, to ask the hard questions even in the face of what seemed impossible and overwhelming. A woman who spoke boldly to an angel. She questioned God’s will, saying, “How can this be?”

Mary, Undaunted Woman – A woman who was unafraid to stand in her truth even when looking into the eyes of her resistant son. A woman who told the waiters at a wedding, “Do what he tells you,” and then walked away, knowing her son would do as she asked.

Mary, Woman of Fidelity – A woman who did what she believed she needed to do even when the odds were long and the trials were many. A woman who followed her adult son’s journeys, knowing it would lead to an ugly end. A woman who stood next to her son through it all.

Mary, Determined Woman – A pregnant woman setting out across hostile territory to visit her older cousin Elizabeth who was pregnant and needed her. A woman who traveled more than 80 miles on foot when bearing her pregnancy. A woman doing what needed to be done.

Mary, Proud Woman – A woman who was proud of her son. She was proud of the boy she raised and the man he became. A woman who was proud of the work her son did, proud of the message he preached. And proud always of his fidelity to God, And she was proud too, even of the honor he brought to the death he endured with the words, “Forgive them.”

Mary, Woman Who said “No” – A woman whose one “Yes” led to many “No’s.” A woman who said “No” to the convention that would have humiliated her during her pregnancy. She said “No” to standing back and not speaking her mind and “No” to those who mocked and ridiculed her son. She said a confident “No” to those who told her to step back and not walk with her son on the journey to Calvary. And an unconditional “No” to those who called her back from the horror as she embraced the cross on which her son died.

Mary, Woman Leader in a Man’s World – A woman who took the lead after her son’s death and resurrection and gathered with the Apostles providing leadership and hope, keeping them together in their fear and doubt. A woman who was there when the Spirit came standing in the center of the Apostles, one with them in the Holy Spirit, one with them in the presence of God.

Mary, Resilient Woman  –A woman who would not step away and who would not stop. A woman who took blow after devastating blow of pain and disappointment — even to the devastation of holding her son’s shattered body in her arms at the foot of his cross. A woman who was unbroken and undeterred! A woman who stood up from the foot of His cross and went on.

In God’s Unending Love,
