Regarding Our Online Masses

Our regularly scheduled online Masses are coming to an end. Thank you for your participation and support. Hopefully our online Masses have inspired you as much as your encouragement (and God’s) has inspired us! Rest assured, there will still be inspiration, lessons, incites and more that Father Jerry, Gwen Coté, and the talented music team will want to share with you. A window will certainly open!

Thank you all for writing and sharing your thoughts. We feel for you all, and share your disappointment. We too wish we could continue this particular ministry of online Mass forever. When the pandemic began and we went from 10 Masses a week to zero, we decided to provide the most personal, clear, and intimate Catholic Mass for you that we possibly could.

Since the return to in-person Mass however, it has been a bit tougher. The reasons aren’t earth-shaking—just plentiful. We knew it would be hard to continue serving with 11 Masses a week, but we persisted thanks to the encouragement from all of you in our extended parish, and out of pure love.

As our Punta Gorda snowbirds are returning for another season, activities are picking up, charities are getting busy, Grace heads off to a new career, and a few of our team have encountered some illnesses (and are recovering slowly, but surely thank God), the little challenges started stacking and we found ourselves unable to continue with the preparation, production, and deadlines of this Mass without sacrificing both quality and the needs of our local community. Please forgive us for the hurt we are causing and know we have loved our ministry with you and we continue to pray for you. And please stay in touch—there is still guidance and inspiration to come from Sacred Heart in Punta Gorda.

30 thoughts on “Regarding Our Online Masses

  1. I just discovered you today, Jan. 7, and you are done! 😞 Please let me know if you continue in another format. I’m from PA. God bless.

  2. As a weekly participant since the beginning, this news is Disappointing to say the least.
    There surely is much more to this sudden decision than you said in your statement. Would be nice if you told us the real reason.
    The ministry was not as financial burden to the parish, you grew your audience exponentially so come on Jerry don’t stop this weekly bright spot that I am sure has kept many Catholics in the religion and likely brought more in.
    Meet with your team and put things back together.


  3. Other on-line masses are a distant second from Sacred Heart’s. For those of us who are distant and infirmed, your Mass, Father Jerry, keeps God in our lives. Please reconsider.

  4. I will miss this weekly mass Greatly! I always felt better after watching . Thank you for everything you have done for the past few years. Iam sure God has a plan for you. Thank you!

  5. Your Mass was the best thing about my Sunday morning! I looked forward to your uplifting messages. You explained the Gospel & the Readings in laymen terms with such compassion and love for God and the church. So inspiring to be mindful of how to treat others. The music was the BEST!!! I am so very sad right now.

  6. I too was very disappointed. It was so quick and not anticipated. I, like so many others found these masses to be so inspirational. But we were given no reason or explanation for the sudden ending. It seems this is so often in the Catholic Church that we are given no explanation of changes. It seems we are assumed to be ignorant. Many of us are well educated and experienced. When things like this are not explained, It’s natural to be suspicious, especially of the hierarchy.

  7. Father Jerry,
    I am heart broken! I wondered what was happening to the online Mass. Today my worst fears came true: The online Masses from Sacred Heart in Punta Gorda have ended. I spent such a long time looking for a liturgy that lifted my spirit and spiritually fed me. What joy when I finally found you. So seldom have I experienced such an uplifting liturgy with so many positive aspects: a call to center,
    powerful homilies, beautifully selected and harmoniously sung music, genuine warmth, contributing reflections. I could go on but I hope you realize how much the weekly hour meant to me.
    You have encouraged us to search out a replacement. I tried for over a year until God led me to your liturgy. You were the answer to my prayer. Now the door has closed and finding a window will be a struggle. I ask for your prayers and God’s guidance.
    With heartfelt thanks. Nancy

  8. To the Twelve Apostles and ALL Sacred Heart Parishioners,

    Thank You for sharing Your Virtual Ministry that enabled so many celebrate Mass during the Pandemic.

    In Your Thoughtful Transition Message regarding Sacred Heart Online Mass, you recommended searching for another virtual program.

    Sacred Heart Viewers may consider a virtual visit to St. Martha Church in New Jersey which is continuing to offer online Mass.

    St, Martha Links are listed below:
    St. Martha Church:
    Mass for JAN 8:

    God Bless,
    B. Kelly

  9. Fr. Jerry, When I heard your words, tears filled my eyes and I was filled with a sadness I haven’t felt before. I don’t know what else to say. Others have said much of what I’m feeling. Where will we go, what will we do? As others have said, I want you to reconsider, but I’m sure the decision is not solely in your hands. I’ll try to remember your words, “God never closes a door without opening a window.” 😥🙏🏽

  10. Homebound due being a care giver to a husband who had a massive stroke 10 months after we married, this online mass has been most convenient. More important, your Mass has rekindled my faith, enriched my soul, propelled me to loving & selflessly give of myself and keep things in perspective. From the centering prayer, to the homily’s that were “over the top” profound and spoke to the deepest of our hearts, to the music raising my spirits with hope, nothing compares to the talent and gifts you & your team share. This must have been an excruciating decision. Would have loved to hear some suggestions on replacement online masses. But appreciate the effort your team put into producing these online services the last 2 years plus to deliver such a beautiful experience. God Bless to the 12 Apostles of Punta Gorda.

  11. I am sitting here with great sadness. Sunday morning mass with you all has been the highlight of my week: a blessing, a healing experience, a feeling of deep love. At the same time I am so very grateful for the time and effort and sharing of your gifts that have so impacted my life, my faith. Your welcoming, kindness, your presence of Christ has touched me. I always have come away with a sense of peace, of having been understood, loved, embraced even, and certainly of joy which I have then been able to share with others. What you have given me is a taste of what church—Mass even, should be—a place where one is loved—just loved. I have told family and friends about your mass and often described feeling like I was climbing onto Gwen’s lap, as I would my mother’s when I was a child, and she would calm and soothe me with her loving voice and words, and then being able to experience Fr. Jerry’s close up joy and wisdom. His facial expressions speaking directly to me. The musicians whose choice of music and obvious joy in using their talents to bring God’s love to us in blending of their lovely voices and instrumental expression. You have been a gift, one I am reluctant to surrender. But as you said, Fr. Jerry, “When God closes a door He opens a window”. So when my sadness dissipates, I will look forward to the view out that window and the next step in our journey to Him. Thank you and may God Bless you and Keep you all as well.

    1. I totally agree with this sentiment. My wife and I are eighty years old and have counted on this online mass for almost three years. It has been the center of our spiritual lives, and the twelve apostles of Punta Gorda have become more like beloved family members than someone we watch on television. The decision to stop the online mass is harming the spiritual lives of more of us than you can imagine. Our love for you has grown with each week. We have searched for other online masses, but nothing measures up. Please reconsider this devastating decision to love us and leave us. We are counting on you.

  12. Fr Jerry, Thank you for sharing and inspiring us personally over this time. We are grateful and sad. You have kept us going in this complicated world we live in.
    We visited Sacred Heart in February 2022 and fell in love with the people, parish, and Sacred Heart.
    We regret that we won’t be able to connect with the Apostles who are part of this special time in our lives weekly. God bless.❤️🙏 Bill and Liz Casella, lake Frederick, VA

  13. We are sad to hear the online mass is ending. Unlike others we are members of Sacred Heart Church. We have been watching mass since it began. So enjoy it every week. Would come back but health issues worry us. My husband has had 4 heart procedures done in the last eight months. We can’t risk him picking something up He is 91 , blind and almost deaf. I am trying to keep him and myself well. Please keep us in your prayers. You have been great inspiration to us. In God’s love.
    Joan and Charles Stoltz

  14. I am greatly disappointed. With current health problems, this hasbeen my only spiritual connection. God seems to have abandoned me. I still believe but cannot communicate —. He isn’t realizing He is sending me more than He’s giving me the grace to handle. Sacred Heart Sunday Mass helped me so much to cope. Tell those running Diocese we don’t need more gold and fanfare and real estate. We need true prayer that comes from devoted and dedicated priests.

  15. I cannot express how sad I am to learn I can no longer attend mass with Fr. Jerry and the 12 apostles. We discovered you during the Covid shutdown and are inspired by you, your sermons, your music, and the atomsphere. We felt a part of a family. I am not sure what the future will bring for me as due to Covid I am still reluctant to attend mass in a crowded church. My husband is not Catholic but since summer of 2020 he has been by my side as each and every Sunday, including while we traveled to Mexico, as he so enjoyed listening. We have lit candles, had poured a bit of wine for communion, and I know he felt a real connection to God and to you. Right now I just want to cry. On top of all of this, our pastor is from another country and very hard to understand so I know I will no longer be “listening and hearing the Word” as it will be difficult. I also with bad hearing. In the quiet of my home it was so much more pleasant, even when I had Covid we attended. When we had young children and took them camping there was usually a priest on Sunday morning who said mass. During a talk he mentioned how church is not a “building” but rather in your heart wherever you may be, that it was not necessary to be in a “building” to hear and believe. In our home listening to you and praying we truly felt we were attending mass. We have also supported you financially, so yes, I like the others, would like to know the truthful reason as to why this was ended. Obviously my last donation was not to support this program. Perhaps it would have been nice to hear an explanation at the end of mass last week and then maybe many of us would not feel like we have been deserted. May God Bless You.

  16. Thank you for your words in “God Never Closes a Door, Without Opening a Window”. I have been thinking about this a lot lately in regards to attending your online mass. I saw the signs that this gift may be coming to a close. Weekly mass with Sacred Heart has enriched my faith in so many beautiful ways. Prior to Covid, I fell away from attending mass and this weekly celebration has guided me through this difficult time. I cannot be certain that I am ready to participate fully in an in-person mass, but I know that my faith has grown stronger since I joined with the “Twelve Apostles “. I have also followed Bishop Barron since the “Catholicism” series. The more that I explore my faith through reading and video, I know that each spark will ignite my fervor to bring me closer to my God. Thank you for being part of my journey. Prayerfully in Christ,


  18. so saddened to hear this news! Fr. Jerry, you always had powerful messages to look forward to. Hope that you will be able to return to the online mass. Many are home bound and this mass brought much comfort to all.

    1. My husband and I are one of the homebound who just found this beautiful Mass experience. We so much have needed to experience God’s Presence while we prayed along with the Mass.
      We are from California and I have heard that many in Florida are enjoying the Holy Spirit; so I found Sacred Heart Church.
      I pray that God will open that window that Fr. Jerry talks about soon. I am sure that we are but one who hunger for more of God.
      In the meantime, I praise God and thank Him for His mercy and compassion for His children who hunger for more and that He will help us find what we are looking for soon!

  19. You graciously gifted us with your prayers, blessings and music. You taught us how to invite Jesus into hearts and souls every week.I pray that God opens that new window through which each of you can touch us in a new and most beautiful way. Thank you for the memories you have given to us.

    A special thank you to your families who allowed you to spend your precious time preparing for the weekly liturgies so we could deepen our faith.

    I discovered your ministry by accident while channel surfing parishes in Oregon. Thanks again for changing my spiritual life. All 12 of you PG Apostles continue to be in my prayers.

    A special thank you to Billy for the “fashion show”! You never told us how big your Hawaiian shirt closet is…..

  20. This doesn’t feel like justice somehow. Ten masses for healthy in-church folks and the heck with the rest of us. Such an abrupt end feels like abandonment. This was a two-way street and we out here also opened our hearts to you all. Usually when the church ends something, there is an announcement and then a wind down period for goodbyes and well-wishes. There have been so many unexpected shoe-dropping losses over the past three years. I didn’t expect this mass to be one of them. I tried to watch other online masses from a variety of churches across this previous three years. The camera is stuck up in the choir loft, the sound is bad, you can’t see any of the actual mass, and I would come away disconnected and quite sadly unaffected. This mass was different. Intentional. As if we mattered out here. Wow. So there can’t be nine in-person masses and this actual online intentional mass? The 12 apostles split up but the ministry didn’t end. They went out to the ends of the Earth in small groups. Does it have to be 12 for the mass to happen? I thank you for the previous masses where I felt love and warmth. I will miss that.

    1. We are so very sorry. We really wish we could have sustained our online Mass forever. But rest assured, there will be more lessons, reflections, insights, and hopefully some sharing of God’s warmth from Sacred Heart in the future. Please don’t give up on finding a Mass with real spiritual nourishment. How about

  21. Thank you for the blessed masses I was able to experience with Father Jerry and the 12 deciples. The mass was so inspiring and joyful and peaceful. Bless you all!

  22. Window Opened. I followed the link to Ascenion on Youtube that is posted above by Sacred Heart FL. Um, wow. Is it the same? No. Is it thought-provoking and life changing and Christ and life-centered? Absolutely. Thank you. I heard things I absolutely needed to hear in this homily. Life does go on. Forgive my harsher words. I don’t want change. I didn’t want change. And yet. Life does indeed go on. And God opened another window. I love you all and I thank you for your graciousness and warmth and the beauty of the mass and music and words. You have filled my heart in the winter. Literally God bless you all always.

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