Trust and Give Thanks

We need only remember to trust in the Lord. He’s got our back!

Monday Fourth week of Lent

Isaiah 65: 17-21

Psalm 30

John 4:43-54

As I reflect on the readings today, I am most inspired by the Psalm. It is a prayer of trust and is just plain perfect for what we are experiencing now as individuals, a nation, and a world. I don’t know about you, but I can’t watch the news, log onto my computer browser, or even have a conversation with a friend that does not include the word Coronavirus. Then a tightness forms inside me, and I get anxious about all of the unknowns. God gave us this Psalm today to remind us who is in charge and to assure me that “He’s got our back!” We need only remember to trust in the Lord. Life will be crazy for a while with anxiety and fear of the unknown. But if we keep our heads on straight, do as we are asked by the experts, and maintain our faith, planted firmly in the Lord, he will lead us through the darkness into the light. TRUST AND GIVE THANKS! Together let us be a people of gratitude and make an effort to give thanks for the blessings we receive. 

Today, I give thanks that God writes straight with crooked lines. Those lines brought me here, and there is nowhere I want to be more than right here, right now. 

For what do you give thanks?